
The guide to update your branch without losing code

So the goal here is to update our branch with latest changes.


Let's say we are on the branch feature/removing-items-from-list, your branch is dirty, and we want to pull the latest changes from the develop branch.

So here, are two options:

1 . git stash

This command will basically move your current changes to another dimension.

git stash                # move files to another dimension
git checkout develop     # checkout to develop branch
git pull origin develop  # pull latest changes
git checkout -           # checkout to the previous branch
git merge origin develop # merge with develop to place the changes on your branch
git stash pop            # get your changes back to continue working

2 . commit

The common process by creating a commit before merging latest changes.

git commit -m "init removing items from list" # creating a commit
git checkout develop                          # checkout to develop branch
git pull origin develop                       # pull latest changes
git checkout -                                # checkout to the previous branch
git merge origin develop                      # merge with develop to place changes on your branch
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